Baby Boo Photography Things To Know » baby and children's photography

February 27, 2012

It’s Monday again, so another set of images posted to Facebook and to the Blog. I’m so excited that the blog is up and running correctly now. Apparently last week the Under Construction was still on and many could not view it from the links I posted. That has now been fixed and we are ready to go!! This past week was full of new babies and our beautiful Fairy sessions. I love photographing the fairies, but it seems like they are not as popular as they once were. We had a total of 4 sessions and 8 total fairies. So I think that starting next year this will be a once every 2 year kind of session and may eventually phase the out. I always have at least one mom who has been waiting to do the fairies…

I will be sending out our email newsletter tomorrow or Tuesday, so look for that in your inbox. It will have dates for our Easter/ Spring sessions with our bunny Caramel as well as the start date for our Very Popular Garden sessions.  We have the calendar scheduled out now til about mid June, so if you are wanting to book your next appt. please give Kathy a call. She is here Mon-Thurs and Sat from 9-1. 

Did you know that we go out and photograph preschools? If your preschool is looking for a GREAT children’s photographer to come to them this spring to photograph the children give us a call!! We already have 3 preschools we photograph and would LOVE to add yours. We have limited days we can do these sessions, so call us soon.    885-8501


This was a very special newborn session I photographed a couple of weeks ago. Baby F. is the son of my Andrew’s Glee teacher. This session was our gift to her when F. was born. Isn’t he a cutie. Even though he was 11 days old he was a good sleeper and photographed beautifully. Loved cuddling him!!

The Davis family have been coming to me since their prenatal session with Older sister Miss. B. Her sister Miss P. is a fireball for sure!!! Her 6 month session she had me making all kinds of noises and acting silly to get her to smile or laugh or well, scream.  This time she was all smiles and giggles.

This is a wonderful new family who was referred to us by a relative. They are one of my new baby plan members and am so glad to welcome them to the Baby Boo Photography family. This little one was a little young for smiles real big, but she pulled out a few of them with some coaxing from me. Big sister came a few days later and was one of my fairies.

And last but not least one of my favorite boys in the world. This is Mr. M. He is the son of some friends of ours and I swear the child could have been mine with that red hair. He is such a joy to photograph and I love him to pieces!! He makes me smile and laugh every time he comes in the studio.