Baby Boo Photography Things To Know » baby and children's photography

Baby Boo Photography’s first post

Hello everyone! Well, this is my first post for my new BLOG. I’m hoping that this will be a great way for everyone to see what great things we are up to. The plan is to post each Monday when I do my facebook posts. It will be a great way for you to share a few images from your session as well as a way for me to tell you about specials and in general what is going on at Baby Boo Photography and in our lives.

So, to start things off I would like to thank all of you who have been with me for 10 years! Yes we are celebrating our 10th year in business this summer! I have many clients who have been with me the whole time and others who hop around to other studios, but always find their way back to us! I so enjoy my job and love meeting the new moms who come into the studio. I have been photographing a lot and I mean a lot of newborns over the past year. I love that I get to cuddle and play with them-reminds me of what being a mom really means.

My babies aren’t little anymore. Kaitlyn is 10 and in 5th grade and Andrew just turned 12 and is in 6th grade (middle school). Our lives are full of dance, guitar, basketball, glee club, STLP club and many more things, so to say the least I do stay busy. As always I structure the studio business hours around my children, so we close at 3 and I sometimes work til 4, but after that I go upstairs and I’m mom. I’m blessed to get to do what I love and get to spend as much time with my family as I can. Thank you for helping make that happen by supporting Baby Boo Photography. Just so you can see how wonderful (doesn’t every mom say that) my children are!! Have a wonderful week and THANKS!